
Through the study of history, students are encouraged to reflect upon and challenge the world and culture in which they live in. At Key Stage Three, students develop the pivotal skills essential for the study of History through a study of significant local, national and world-wide events.  We develop resilience and compassion through the study of sensitive and controversial issues, which are supported across the curriculum in English and in Philosophy and Ethics.

Students are offered numerous opportunities to explore History outside of the classroom through a range of site visits and historical enquiries throughout the Key Stages. Alongside which, a regular assessment system ensures that students are continually challenged and encouraged in their thinking and original historical debating skills. Students are taught to make connections, draw contrasts and analyse trends within a strong chronological framework. Students develop an understanding of second order skills through the study of historical documents and case studies with strong enquiry questions.


Head of History:

Mr Oswald

Teachers of History:

Miss Colley, Miss Philips, Mrs Barradell and Mr Findlay.