School Uniform
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Allestree Woodlands School Uniform
At AWS, all students will wear school dress and footwear when attending school or participating in school organised activities, unless advised otherwise.
Details of the AWS uniform are as follows:
AWS Blazer (Black with AWS Logo)
White Shirt
House tie (available from the school office and Morleys)
Skirt (black - straight, not stretchy - no lycra or jersey style)
Trousers (black tailored trousers only - no cord or denim)
Shoes – plain black with NO additional colours (suitable black, low-heeled shoe, no trainers, boots or leisure shoes)
Jewellery – Single ear studs, a simple necklace and a single, simple ring only are acceptable.
The schools official uniform supplier is Morleys Schoolwear
TELEPHONE: 01332 281 311
Online: https://www.schoolwearsolutions.com/product-category/our-schools/woodlands-School/
EMAIL: chaddesdenmorleys@gmail.com
ADDRESS: 446 Nottingham Road, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 6PE
“Wearing school uniform ensures that we are smart and shows that we are ready to learn.”
Physical Education Kit
Outdoor Kit
Black 1/4 zipped shirt, black shorts and red knee-length socks
Training shoes
Shin pads, towel and gum shield
Indoor Kit
White polo shirt with collar, black shorts and white socks
Swimming costume, swimming hat and towel
Outdoor Kit
Red rugby shirt, black shorts and red knee-length socks
Training shoes and football boots
Shin pads, towel and gum shield
Indoor Kit
White polo shirt with collar, black shorts and white socks
Swimming trunks, swimming hat and towel