Revision Skills
Curriculum and Learning >
This page contains key ideas and resources created by ourselves to help you with the key areas of revision in the weeks coming up to your exams, or as you recap at the end of each topic:
1) Effective Revision Skills
2) Note Taking Skills
3) Essay Writing Skills
Effective Revision Skills
Here are some of our top tips:
Make a solid revision plan - this is important to help recognise that you are in control of what you are doing. Aim to break down tasks or topics into small and manageable ‘chunks’. This will enable you to cover a spread of topics or subjects.
Variation! Revision should never be seen as just soaking up knowledge. Aim to get involved in what you are studying, rather than just reading and re-reading notes. Take a look at the ‘Student’s Guide to Effective Revision’ for ideas…
Write out plans for exam answers - this can enable you to save time, whilst still thinking about what you are going to write about. BEWARE: Writing full answers is also important, as you can elaborate ideas further and practise your essay writing style.
Work with your teachers to ensure you have detailed knowledge and understanding of the mark scheme.
Use model answers to help to show exactly what the difference is between an A*and a C grade: they also show you just how much knowledge and understanding of the topic and the question you need to get the top grade.