KS4 (GCSE) Examination Support
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Examination Support
The aim of this page is to help you succeed during the examination period by outlining the key information, including exam boards, format of examinations and links to exam board websites.
Please read this page carefully. If you have further questions, please ask your Subject Teacher or contact Ms Berridge (Lead for Key Stage 4).
KS4 (GCSE) Subject Exam Information
Course: AQA - Mathematics 8300
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Non-Calculator Paper - 1h 30m (33%)
Paper 2: Calculator Paper - 1h 30m (33%)
Paper 3: Calculator Paper - 1h 30m (33%)
Course: AQA Combined Science: Trilogy (8464)
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Biology Paper 1: Biology topics 1–4: Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and response; and Bioenergetics - 1h 15m (16.7%)
Biology Paper 2: Biology topics 5–7: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; and Ecology - 1h 15m (16.7%)
Chemistry Paper 1: Chemistry topics 8–12: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; and Energy changes - 1h 15m (16.7%)
Chemistry Paper 2: Chemistry topics 13–17: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources - 1h 15m (16.7%)
Physics Paper 1: Physics topics 18–21: Energy; Electricity; Particle model of matter; and Atomic structure - 1h 15m (16.7%)
Physics Paper 2: Physics topics 22–24: Forces; Waves; and Magnetism and electromagnetism - 1h 15m (16.7%)
Course: AQA Biology - 8461
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Topics 1–4: Cell biology; Organisation; Infection and response; and Bioenergetics. - 1h 45m (50%)
Paper 2: Topics 5–7: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; and Ecology. - 1h 45m (50%)
Course: AQA Chemistry - 8462
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Topics 1–5: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry, Chemical changes; and Energy changes - 1h 45m (50%)
Paper 2: Topics 6–10: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources - 1h 45m (50%)
Course: AQA Physics - 8463
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Topics 1-4: Energy; Electricity; Particle model of matter; and Atomic structure - 1h 45m (50%)
Paper 2: Topics 5-8: Forces; Waves; Magnetism and electromagnetism; and Space physics. - 1h 45m (50%)
Course: AQA English Language (8700)
Exam Information:
Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing - 1 hour 45 minutes (50% of course)
Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives - 1 hour 45 minutes (50% of course)
Course Information
Course: AQA English Literature (8700)
Exam Information:
Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel - 1 hour 45 minutes (40% of course)
Paper 2: Modern Text and Poetry - 2 hours 15 minutes (60% of course)
Course: Eduqas ‘B’ GCSE (9 - 1)
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Investigating Geographical Issues - 1h 45m (40%)
Paper 2: Problem Solving Geography - 1h 30m (30%)
Paper 3: Applied Fieldwork Enquiry - 1h 15m (30%)
Course: AQA GCSE History 8145
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Exam 1: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and Dictatorship - 1h 0m (25%)
Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950–1975 - 1h 0m (25%)
Exam 2: Britain: Health and the People: c.1000 to the Present Day - 1h 0m (25%)
Norman England, c.1066–c.1100 - 1h 0m (25%)
Course: AQA - French 8658
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Exam 1: Listening Examination:
Foundation - 35 minutes
Higher - 45 minutes (25%)Exam 2: Speaking Examination:
Foundation - 7-9 minutes
Higher - 10-12 minutes (25%)Exam 3: Reading Examination:
Foundation - 45 minutes
Higher - 60 minutes (25%)Exam 4: Writing Examination:
Foundation - 60 minutes
Higher - 75 minutes (25%) -
Course: AQA - German 8668
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Exam 1: Listening Examination:
Foundation - 35 minutes
Higher - 45 minutes (25%)Exam 2: Speaking Examination:
Foundation - 7-9 minutes
Higher - 10-12 minutes (25%)Exam 3: Reading Examination:
Foundation - 45 minutes
Higher - 60 minutes (25%)Exam 4: Writing Examination:
Foundation - 60 minutes
Higher - 75 minutes (25%) -
Course: AQA - Spanish 8698
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Exam 1: Listening Examination:
Foundation - 35 minutes
Higher - 45 minutes (25%)Exam 2: Speaking Examination:
Foundation - 7-9 minutes
Higher - 10-12 minutes (25%)Exam 3: Reading Examination:
Foundation - 45 minutes
Higher - 60 minutes (25%)Exam 4: Writing Examination:
Foundation - 60 minutes
Higher - 75 minutes (25%) -
Course: OCR Physical Education (9 - 1) - J587
Paper 1: Physical Factors Affecting Performance - 1 hour (30%)
Paper 2: Socio-Cultural Issues and Sports Psychology - 1 hour (30%)
Practical Exam: Practical performances (30%)
Practical Exam: Analysis and evaluation of performance (10%)
Course: AQA - Art, Craft and Design
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Component One: Portfolio (60%)
Component Two: Externally Set Task (40%)
Course: Edexcel GCSE Music
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Exam 1: Performance: 1 solo and 1 ensemble (30%)
Exam 2: Composition: 1 free choice and 1 set brief (30%)
Exam 3: Listening: 8 set works (40%)
Course: Pearson - Music Practice
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Exam 1: Component 1 – 36GLH: Exploring Music Products and Styles
Exam 2: Component 2 – 36GLH: Music Skills Development
Exam 3: Component 3 – 48GLH: Responding to a Music Brief
Course: OCR (9 - 1) - J204
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Business Activity, Marketing and People - 1h 30m (50%)
Paper 2: Operations, Finance and Influences on Business - 1h 30m (50%)
Course: Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Creative Media Production
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Exploring Media Products - (30%)
Paper 2: Developing Digital Media Production Skills - (30%)
Paper 3: Create a Media Product in Response to a Brief - (40%)
Information to be placed here
Course: OCR Computer Science (9-1) - J277
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Computer Systems - 1h 30m (50%)
Paper 2: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming - 1h 30m (50%)
Course: Design and Technology - 8552
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Design and Technology Written Paper - 2h 0m (50%)
Paper 2: Practical application of technical principles, designing and making principles. (NEA Project) - (50%)
Course: OCR - Engineering Design Level 1/2 Award/Certificate - J831, J841
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: Design Briefs, Design Specifications and User Requirements - 1h 0m (25%)
Paper 2: R106 - 1h 0m (25%)
Paper 3: R107 - 1h 0m (25%)
Paper 4: R108 - 1h 0m (25%)
Course: OCR - Engineering Design Level 1/Level 2 - J822
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Paper 1: R038 - 1h 0m (40%)
Paper 2: R039 - (30%)
Paper 3: R040 - (30%)
Course: Eduqas - Food Preparation and Nutrition
Exam Board Website
Past PapersAssessment:
Component 1: Principles of Food Preparation and Nutrition - 1h 45m (50%)
Component 2: Food Preparation and Nutrition in Action (Non Examined Assessment)
Assessment 1 - 8 hours
Assessment 2 - 12 hours (50%) -
Course: BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care
UNIT 1 - Human lifespan development - external assessment
UNIT 2 Working in Health and Social Care - external assessment
UNIT 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs - internal assessment
UNIT 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs - internal assessment
Item description
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