Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Curriculum >
The PSHE curriculum at Woodlands encourages students to develop the knowledge and skills to live a healthy, safe and fulfilled life now and in the future.
In Personal, Social, Healthy and Economic Education lessons, our students are provided with many opportunities to develop essential skills, knowledge and understanding, and to consider their own attitudes and values, which are key in enabling students to feel confident in making sense of their own life experiences, now and in the future.
Lessons build upon AWS’ CORE values (Courage, Optimism, Regard and Endeavour) to encourage students to become active and empathetic members of society. The curriculum is broad, and topics are developed to help students to be aware of their emotional, mental, physical, and economic wellbeing. It educates students about how to stay safe and how to be effective life-long learners with an understanding of their own self-worth, values, and morals.
The PSHE and Careers curriculum follows four broad themes:
- Healthy Relationships (including RSHE)
- Living in the Wider World
- Health and Wellbeing
- Careers Education
PSHE and Careers lessons are taught by form tutors, in tutor groups. Topics covered are detailed in the Learning Journey and long-term plan, found on this page.
We are committed to developing inspiring, thought-provoking and age-appropriate lessons for our students. Examples of lesson resources are found below.
Other lessons classified as ‘sex-education’ are found here.
Leads for PSHE:
Mr J. Porter (KS3-KS4) and Mr A. Forsyth (KS5).
Teachers of PSHE:
Form Tutors
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