Curriculum Overview
Curriculum >
Our curriculum intends to give all students broad experience of a range of subjects but also to provide depth of knowledge and opportunities for mastery; we aim to provide curriculum content that allows students to make connections within and between subjects; our curriculum is designed to enable aspiration and achievement for all students.
We want all students to recognise courage, optimism, regard for self and others and endeavour and plan our curriculum to ensure that they learn about these important character traits so that they can develop and demonstrate them in what they do and how they do it.
Curriculum Overviews
Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)
The first three years at Woodlands are the years for establishing a strong and broad foundation for further study. Students are taught in a variety of different ways, depending on their needs and abilities.
The curriculum at KS3 includes the core subjects of Mathematics, English and Science and the foundation subjects of Art, Design and Technology, Drama, Geography, History, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish or German), Music, Physical Education (PE), PSHE & Careers and Religious Education.
Year 7 Learning Journey
Year 7 students will explore ‘understanding ourselves’. The skills of speaking and listening will be developed through the year 7 programme of study.
Autumn Term:
Autobiography: all about me! Writing for a specific audience and purpose.
A modern novel: teacher’s choice (author study).
Spring Term:
Independent reading: students choose and read a novel of their choice and explore skills such as inference and creative writing building up to writing to their author.
An introduction to Shakespeare: students look at tragedy, comedy and history and complete an author study.
Summer Term:
Poetry: exploring different forms of poetry.
Origins: Myths and Legends. An exploration of where literary allusions originate.
In KS3, maths is taught through Ark Mastery.
Autumn Term:
Numbers and numerals, axioms and arrays. factors and multiples, order of operations, positive and negative numbers, expressions and equations and inequalities.
Spring Term:
Angles classifying 2D shapes, constructing triangles and quadrilaterals, coordinates, areas of 2D shapes and transforming 2D shapes.
Summer Term:
Prime factor decomposition, conceptualising and comparing fractions, manipulating and calculating with fractions, ratio and percentages.
Science in KS3 works on a rotation and therefore students may not follow these topics in this exact order.
Autumn Term:
An introduction to Science.
Biology: Cells.
Chemistry: Particle models and states of matter.
Physics: Forces and their effects.
Spring Term:
Biology: Organisation.
Chemistry: Atoms, elements and compounds.
Physics: Sound and light.
Summer Term:
Biology: Reproduction.
Chemistry: Chemical reactions, acids and alkalis.
Physics: The Solar System.
Autumn Term:
• 3D shapes and light sources: basic skills.
• 3D shapes as a structure: Architecture, Practising Architects: Frank Gehry, Richard Rogers and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Spring Term:
• Gaudi.
• Edward Tinga Tinga: animal masks.
Summer Term:
• Complimentary colours, landscape painting: Fauvism.
Autumn Term
• Adverts – exploring persuasive language.
• Silent movies: Exploring mime and movement to tell a story.
Spring Term
• Pantomime: use of stock characters, comedy, audience participation and music.
• Short scripts: exploring script layout, characters, dialogue and stage directions.
Summer Term
• African Theatre: traditional Zulu stories and conventions of African Theatre.
• Ghost Stories: using theatrical conventions for audience response.
In Geography, students build on their learning through key questions that explore the ‘what, why, where and how’.
My place in the world
National Parks
Autumn Term:
Baseline test – exploring students’ skills and knowledge through murder mystery.
Romans – were the romans civilised?
Spring Term:
Normans: The claimants, Leadership and Norman control.
Thomas Beckett: King Vs Church.
Tudors: The reformation; International relations.
Summer Term:
Civil War – why was there a civil war? Why did the parliamentarians win?
Who had the biggest impact?
In RE, students will develop their knowledge and understanding through a number of philosophical questions to explore religion and ethics.
Autumn Term:
‘What is RE?’
‘Who was Jesus?’
Spring Term:
‘Are there good reasons to believe in God?’
‘How do Sikhs put their beliefs into practice?’
Summer Term:
‘How can we make decisions about right andwrong?’
Project: Pop block– skills/knowledge, surface decoration, accuracy and precision measuring, wood tools, electric tools, wood glues, construction, recycled materials, 2d and 3d drawings.
Project: Bug hotel – skills/knowledge, wood tools, marking and measuring, electric tools, wood glues, construction, pre-fabricated fixings, sustainability, 6Rs, product analysis, CAD
Project: Chocolate bar – skills/knowledge, rendering skills, designing skills, packaging, labels, vacuum forming, thermoforming polymer, different types of moulds, manufacturing plans.
Autumn Term:
Project 1: Computer Science Theory 1
Project 2: Microsoft Word
Spring Term:
Project 3: Coding (Micro:bit)
Project 4: Microsoft Excel
Summer Term:
Project 5: Computer Science Theory 2
Project 6: Microsoft PowerPoint
In KS3, product design and food technology work on a rotation and therefore will follow this sequence at different points throughout the year. Students will learn how to apply and demonstrate their key knowledge, skills and techniques throughout the year 7 programme.
Autumn Term:
Introduction to Food and Nutrition – Health and Safety
Baseline Assessment
Introduction to the Food Room
Health and Safety
Food sustainability and ethics
The Eat Well Guide – balanced diets
Fresh fruit salad, fruit crumbles, breakfast bars/granola, pasta salad, bread making and parmesan chicken nuggets.
Reflect on what you have made applying next steps where possible
Become ‘Star Chef of the Week’
Healthy Lunches
Nutrients, functions and sources
Reflect on what you have made applying next steps where possible
Mini cakes, bread dough/pizza
Develop good independent study habits
Specialists diets and life stages
A range of vegetarian / vegan dishes
Analyse diets for specific groups of people and adapt recipes where possible.
Autumn Term:
My Life
Spanish pronunciation
Adjectives ending in -O and -A
TENGO + noun
My Free Time
ME GUSTA with infinitive
AR verbs in the present tense
Sports with JUGAR / HACER
Justifying opinions
Spring Term:
My School
School subjects (m/f nouns)
Introduce ME GUSTA (+the)
a / some / the
HAY + noun
-ER and -IR verbs in the present tense
My Family and Friends
Description of family
Colours and self-description with SER
Introduce ESTAR
Possessive adjectives
Summer Term
My City
Describe a town
HAY + noun
Irregular verbs IR/QUERER
Introduce near future tense
My Peruvian Friend
Consolidation of year seven topics
Autumn Term:
‘Me, myself and I’
Introductions, Alphabet, Numbers and Birthdays.
Family and Pets
Describing family members and pets.
Descriptions: physical & personality
Introduction to third person verbs (is/has)
Spring Term:
School subjects: when/how often, giving opinions.
Telling the time and using the Time Phrase Twist.
Adding detail: food, drink and uniform.
Justifying opinions using ‘denn’.
Free Time
Discussing sports & hobbies – when/how often, opinions.
Irregular verbs (1st & 3rd person).
Using ‘gern’ to give opinions with verbs.
Using ‘denn’ to justify opinions.
Summer Term:
My Home
Regions & houses.
Bedroom objects.
Using ‘es gibt’.
Dative prepositions to describe furniture.
Revising Year 7 content.
Exploring the Bremer Stadtmusikanten.
Intro to the future tense.
Throughout Term 1 and 2, students will work on a rotation of activities within PE.
In the summer students complete activities in athletics, rounders/cricket and tennis.
Autumn and Spring Term:
Central Net: net/wall games such as tennis, table-tennis and badminton.
Accurate Replication Aesthetics: Combining movement patterns, ideas and skills such as dance and gymnastics.
Invasion games/ outwitting opponents: Team games such as football, netball, hockey, rugby, basketball.
Summer Term:
Strike and Field: Tactical striking and field games such as rounders and cricket.
Performing of maximum levels: Performing individually and as part of a team with running, jumping and throwing skills.
See the dedicated PSHE Homepage for detailed information.
Autumn Term
• Find your voice
• Keyboard 1
Spring Term
• Classical 1
• Classical 2
Summer Term
• Ukulele
• Inspirational Artists
Year 8 Learning Journey
Year 8 students will explore ‘understanding others’, leading to exploring the power of language towards the end of the year. The skills of speaking and listening will be developed through the year 8 programme of study.
Autumn Term:
Poetry: exploring historical poetry – WWI/William Blake
A modern play: contextual and dramatic focus
Spring Term:
A modern novel: Teacher’s choice (Author study)
Shakespeare: Teacher’s choice of a comedy play
Summer Term:
Short stories and extracts: The gothic power of story telling.
The power of advertising: inventing a product.
In KS3, maths is taught through Ark Mastery.
Autumn Term:
Forming and solving equations
Forming and solving inequalities
Linear graphs
Accuracy and estimation
Spring Term:
Real life graphs and rate of change
Direct and inverse proportion
Univariate data
Bivariate data
Summer Term:
Angles in polygons
Circles and composite shapes
Volume and surface area of prisms
Science in KS3 works on a rotation and therefore students may not follow these topics in this exact order.
Autumn Term:
Biology: Bones and joints
Chemistry: Particle theory
Physics: Contact and non-contact forces
Spring Term:
Biology: Respiration and photosynthesis
Chemistry: Chemical changes
STEM Week challenge
Summer Term:
Biology: Environment and food webs
Chemistry: Investigation skills
Physics: Magnetism and electricity
Autumn Term:
• Banksy, Keith Haring: Graffiti
• Peter Randall-Page, Michelle Lougee: Natural forms
Spring Term:
• Mixed medias: Hundertwasser
Summer Term:
• Distorted Faces: Modigliani
• Arts Award
Autumn Term
• Our day out: Willy Russell, the social and historical context.
• Page to Stage - Matilda: Exploring professional theatrical production.
Spring Term
• Theatre in education: Its use of different drama techniques and exploring target audience.
Summer Term
• Arts Award
Autumn Term:
Film music
Make it your own
Spring Term:
Keyboard 2
Summer Term:
Arts Award
In Geography, students build on their learning through key questions that explore the ‘what, why, where and how’.
Autumn Term:
Rollercoaster Revisit: Romans, Normans and Tudors.
Industrial Revolution: Causes, conditions in the mines & factories and Workhouses.
Spring Term:
Empire: Origins of empire and Impact of empire.
Slavery & Abolition: Triangle – middle passage, Plantations, Revolts and Abolition.
Summer Term:
Civil Rights: USA & UK comparison.
World study: Student choice to study a historical turning point.
In RE, students will develop their knowledge and understanding through a number of philosophical questions to explore religion and ethics.
Autumn Term:
‘Is it ever right to go to war?’
‘How do Muslims show submission to God?’
Spring Term:
‘Can Religion and Science ever coexist?’
‘Why are there so many different kinds of Christian?’
Summer Term:
‘What is the goal of life for Hindus?’
Project: Coat hook: Skills/knowledge, metals – properties and classification, shaping and bending, templates, metal tools finishes, techniques and surfaces
Project: USB light: Skills/knowledge, electronics – soldering, component knowledge, wood, shaping tools, jigs, centre lathe, finishing.
Project: Packaging: Skills/knowledge, CAD, branding, research skills, designing and creating nets, manipulating card, printing technique, paper and boards knowledge, die cutting tools.
Autumn Term:
Project 1: Computer Science Theory 3
Project 2: Microsoft Publisher
Spring Term:
Project 3: Coding (Scratch)
Project 4: Microsoft Excel
Summer Term:
Project 5: Computer Science Theory 4
Project 6: Microsoft Access
In KS3, product design and food technology work on a rotation and therefore will follow this sequence at different points throughout the year. Students will learn how to apply and demonstrate their key knowledge, skills and techniques throughout the year 7 programme.
Food provenance, Healthy living,
Labelling and packaging - looking at the importance of why we need them,
Function of ingredients,
Diet and nutrition: to include body image, recipes that include- fruit skewers, banana bread, quiche, chicken tikka, chicken nuggets and pasta dishes.
Evaluation of products and sensory words.
Enzymic browning.
Autumn Term:
My Holidays
IR in the preterite
-AR verbs in the preterite
-ER and -IR verbs in the preterite
SER in the preterite
My Hobbies
Varying opinions
Introduce comparatives
Combining present and preterite tenses
Spring Term:
Let’s Eat
Food and opinions
Near future tense
Combining three tenses
Our Plans
ME GUSTARÍA + infinitive
Irregular modal verbs QUERER & PODER
Introduce reflexive verbs
This/these with clothes
Compositions in three tenses
Summer Term
Introduce the superlative
Introduce the imperative
Using three tenses in detail
Consolidation of tense work and comparing cities
Autumn Term:
Places in town
Using the future tense
Intro to modal verbs: ‘Man kann…’
Imperfect tense: ich war / es war
Weather and Accomodation
Perfect tense with ‘wohnen’
Starting to use 3 tenses
Spring Term:
Using the perfect tense with regular and irregular verbs
Using the perfect tense with both ‘haben’ and ‘sein’
Using the Time Phrase Twist in multiple tenses
Building up to using 3 tenses
Giving detailed opinions on different types of media – TV, film, books, apps & social media
Exploring real-life situations, such as online shopping
Summer Term:
Recapping basic vocabulary
Roleplays and functional language focusing on travelling and holidays
Spending time at Karneval
Learning about other German-speaking festivals
Combining multiple tenses in spoken German
Extended descriptions of pictures
Throughout Term 1 and 2, students will work on a rotation of activities within PE.
In the summer students complete activities in athletics, rounders/cricket and tennis.
Autumn and Spring Term:
Central net: moving to receive a service, how to develop power when serving/clearing, rally from further back, basic overarm service/clear.
Invasion games/ outwitting opponents: More advanced rules, using space for passing/receiving skills, apply skills tactics and strategies consistently.
Accurate replication aesthetics: choreograph more inventive and complex routines using more advanced techniques.
Summer Term:
Strike and Field: Fielding positions and bowling consistency, developing resilience and a range of skills.
Performing of maximum levels: understanding or more advanced skills to improve performance, developing resilience and a range of skills.
See the dedicated PSHE Homepage for detailed information.
Year 9 Learning Journey
Year 9 students will explore ‘understanding ourselves in the wider world: beyond English’, leading to exploring the power of the individual towards the end of the year. The skills of speaking and listening will be developed through the year 9 programme of study.
Autumn Term:
A modern novel: Teacher’s choice (Author study)
Tragedy genre: A modern play by Arthur Miller
Spring Term:
Poetry: exploring poetry from different cultures and ethnicities.
Summer Term:
Victorian context: research project into Victorian contexts and novels.
The power of structure: stories with a twist.
In KS3, maths is taught through Ark Mastery.
Autumn Term
• Probability
• Sets, Venns and sample space diagrams
• Solving algebraically
• Solving graphically
Spring Term
• Constructions, congruence and loci
• Pythagoras’ Theorem
• Similarity and enlargement
• Trigonometry
Summer Term
• Quadratic expressions and equations
• Indices
• Growth and decay
Science in KS3 works on a rotation and therefore students may not follow these topics in this exact order.
Autumn Term:
Biology: variation and natural selection.
Chemistry: reactivity series and extraction, material science - polymers and ceramics.
Physics: motion on Earth and space.
Spring Term:
Biology: cloning, inheritance, extinction.
Chemistry: sustainability, rock cycle.
Physics: Energy transfer
Summer Term:
Biology: Drugs, disease, defence against disease, vaccination.
Chemistry: C14 Earth’s resources
Physics: P3 Energy resource
Autumn Term:
• Use of Observation/ Photographs from Barbara Hepworths Hospital Drawnings- Barbara Hepworth
Spring Term:
Cubism : Observational skills – drawing linear boxes
Adding tone to shapes to create an analytical cubism
Summer Term:
• The figure: Observational skills: Use of tone: The figure.
• 3D sculpture: Giacometti figures.
Autumn Term
• ‘Teechers’: Bringing a script to life
through observational comedy.
Spring Term
• Practitioners and devising: The devising process and how it can be used to create theatre.
• Practitioners and devising: Different theatre practitioners and their context.
Summer Term
• Performing Shakespeare: Exploring stage types.
• Performing Shakespeare: Shakespearean themes relevance to today’s audience.
Autumn Term
• Band Skills
• Songwriting
Spring Term
• Composition
• Star Wars
Summer Term
• Culture and Music
• Planning a music project
In Geography, students build on their learning through key questions that explore the ‘what, why, where and how’.
Middle East
Tectonic Hazards
Frozen Planet
The Geography of Food
A Global Warning
Autumn Term:
Origins of WWI: Causes of WW1, Conditions on the Trenches, The Somme, Art and poetry of WW1,
Suffragettes: Attitudes in Edwardian time and How women got the vote.
Spring Term:
Rise of Hitler: The Versailles Treaty, Wall Street Crash, Propaganda, Hitler the orator.
The Holocaust: Origins and forms of persecution, The Final Solution, The Ghettos and the camps.
Summer Term:
World War 2: Dunkirk, Stalingrad and D-Day.
Cold War: Communism vs Capitalism, Origins of the Korean war, 1950-51: The beginning, 1951-53: Stalemate and Why it ended & impact.
In RE, students will develop their knowledge and understanding through a number of philosophical questions to explore religion and ethics.
Autumn Term:
‘Medical ethics?’
‘Big questions in philosophy and ethics’
Spring Term:
‘What did the Buddha teach about happiness?’
Summer Term:
‘Ethics in human relationships’
‘Does religion have a place in today’s world?’
Project: Creative and technical drawing skills: Creative and Technical Drawing Skills - Skills/knowledge: 3D drawing techniques, hand rendering skills, key designers, design movements, smart materials, ‘blue sky’ thinking.
Project: Celebration light - skills/knowledge: research skills, cultures and diversity, 2D design, CAD skills, CAM, finishing techniques.
Project: Pewter casting - skills/knowledge: social responsibility, hand rendering, metal classifications, casting method, CAD, CAM, abrading techniques, polishing.
Project: MP3 speaker: Skills/knowledge, CAD, shading, specification, components knowledge, electronics, laminating, product analysis, tap and die, target markets
Project: Balance toy: Skills/knowledge, annealing, braiding, braising, bending, tap and die – threading, heat forming, jigs.
Autumn Term:
Project 1: Computer Science Theory 5
Project 2: Sketch-Up
Spring Term:
Project 3: Coding (Python)
Project 4: Google Sites
Summer Term:
Project 5: Computer Science Theory 6
Project 6: Microsoft PowerPoint
In KS3, product design and food technology work on a rotation and therefore will follow this sequence at different points throughout the year. Students will learn how to apply and demonstrate their key knowledge, skills and techniques throughout the year 9 programme.
Year 9 food projects:
Diet and Nutrition - a look into what our body needs and the nutrients that can provide it.
Food from around the world - looking at differing cuisines and new trends such as street food.
Recipes for year 9 include- bread, chicken skewers, Thia curry , mini cheesecakes and lemon drizzle.
Demonstrate your knowledge of Nutrition and Food Preparation throughout four different projects, that show sustainability, food science and preservation methods, food styling, culture and different cuisines.
Apply your knowledge of Nutrition and Food preparation through designing and adapting recipes.
Demonstrate skills and techniques in a range of different dishes and cuisines.
Analyse and evaluate results from a range of experiments carried out and through evaluation of dishes.
Autumn Term:
Things We Enjoy
Irregular verbs in the present tense
Narration with the present tense
Opinions in the near future tense
Review of preterite tense
Narrating in three tenses
Getting Work
Near future tense in context
Using three tenses to describe
Spring Term:
Staying in Shape
Direct object pronouns
Stem changing verbs
Reflexives in detail
SE DEBE + infinitive
ME DUELE + noun
Extended writing
Youth Action
PODER + infinitive
Expressing more complex opinions
SE DEBERÍA + infinitive
Introducing the Imperfect tense
Summer Term:
An Adventure in Madrid
TENER expressions
Comparatives in context
Introduce simple future tense
Consolidation of verbs of duty, tense work and narration
Autumn Term
Modal verbs
Discussing habits for healthy living
Narrating events and discussing being (un)healthy in the past and future
Discussing music genres
Using ‘weil’ to justify opinions
Using ‘seit’ with the present tense
Spring Term
Talking about and applying for jobs
Using the past tense to talk about skills and work experience
Creating a European-style CV in German
Speaking practice: mock job interview
Continuing with modal verbs
Talking about being environmentally friendly in the past and future
Exploring the social impact of recycling in UK vs. in Germany
Business & presentation skills
Summer Term
Rights and Responsibilities
Expressing viewpoints and debating in German
Learning about the Gastarbeiter and discussing the social impact
99 Red Balloons
Exploring significant historical events and their impact on art and politics
Using 3 tenses to narrate, analyse and create an artistic piece of work
Throughout Term 1 and 2, students will work on a rotation of activities within PE.
In the summer students complete activities in athletics, rounders/cricket and tennis.
Autumn and Spring Term:
Central net: awareness of tactics, double positions, playing to an opponent’s weaknesses, forehand and backhand, advance service skills
Invasion games/ outwitting opponents: understanding how tactics, strategy and formation impact the game.
Accurate replication aesthetics: understanding a range of choreographic dances to improve and develop performance, selecting and applying advanced skills and choreographic devices.
Summer Term:
Strike and Field: Advanced fielding and bowling techniques, tactics and orders.
Performing of maximum levels: achieving full potential and demonstrating advanced skills, understanding and identifying weakness in skills performance and how to improve.
See the dedicated PSHE Homepage for detailed information.
GCSE (Years 10 and 11) Learning Journey
Year 10 and 11 students follow a core curriculum of Mathematics, English, Science, PSHE & Careers and Physical Education.
In addition to these subjects students will choose from further GCSE courses including Art, Business Studies, Computing, Creative Media, Design and Technology, Drama, Engineering, Food and Nutrition, Geography, German, Spanish, Health and Social Care, History, Music, Philosophy and Ethics, Physical Education and Work Related Learning.
A Level (Years 12 and 13) Learning Journey
Click here to visit our dedicated Sixth Form pages.
Curriculum and Learning: