Woodlands’ Fundamental Five

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The Woodlands’ Fundamental Five is a set of 5 principles that we know will help all students to learn their very best. All our lessons are framed around these five principles, starting from students being Ready to Learn to completing the Do Now, to focusing on their learning, challenging themselves and making improvements. There are posters in every classroom and subject area to remind students of these principles and they are often referred to in year group assemblies.

Ready to Learn: This starts from the second a student arrives to their lesson. Students have 5 minutes to move from one lesson to another and are expected arrive on time. Our staff will be waiting for them to arrive to welcome them into the classroom and settle the class quickly. We do this because, a calm start to lessons prepares our minds for learning.

Do Now: This is the first task a student will complete and is designed to prepare students for learning straight away. Often, this task will be in the form of retrieval practice which is the process of going over previously learnt knowledge. Cognitive science tells us that the more we go over something, the better the connections in our brain are formed, helping us to remember more knowledge over time. Students need to arrive on time ‘Ready to Learn’ so they can access the Do Now from the very start. We do this because, thinking hard makes learning happen – the Do Now prepares students for this from the very start.

Focus on Learning: It goes without saying that focusing on learning means students will learn more. Not only is this vital for their own learning but having regard for those around them by focusing, means others have the same opportunity and entitlement to learn. We do this because, practising our learning helps it to stick in our long-term memory.

Challenge ourselves: This principle is about students trying hard to produce their best work and not giving up. At Woodlands staff use a principle called ‘No Opt Out’ where they are encouraged to create environments where students feel safe to have a go and accept that making mistakes and asking for help is ok. We do this because, challenging ourselves and asking for support helps us to improve.

Making improvements: Students are encouraged to take ownership for their own improvement at Woodlands as they receive feedback from their teachers in a variety of forms. All students are expected to have a red pen as part of their school equipment to be used to make corrections and improvements to their work through ‘red pen response’ activities. These are completing following a set of feedback from their teachers or through self or peer marking responses. As students move through the school, the aim is that these responses will become more habitual and advanced as they learn more and become more knowledgeable. We do this because, taking advice and making improvements helps us to achieve our best.

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