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Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility at AWS.
At Allestree Woodlands School we are fully committed to safeguarding our students and staff. We take notice of and adhere to all the national and local policies and guidance in regard to Safeguarding Children and Young People.
Safeguarding is summarised as:
protecting children from harm
preventing damage to children’s mental and physical health or development
making sure that children grow up safely, and
taking action to make sure all children have the best start in life.
There are four categories of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional and neglect,
All our staff are trained to identify signs of abuse and staff have a duty to report concerns about a child. In the first instance they would report to the school safeguarding team who may then take the decision to report the case to social care.
Who leads Safeguarding at Woodlands?
There is a safeguarding team working in Allestree Woodlands School.
The person with overall responsibility for safeguarding is Mrs R. Brailsford (Assistant Headteacher). If you have any concerns in relation to safeguarding, please contact a member of the safeguarding team immediately.
Allestree Woodlands School operates a dedicated email address in case of Safeguarding concerns:
You can leave a message on our safeguarding email at any time, however if you feel a child is in immediate danger call the police on 999 or Derbyshire First Contact Team on 01332 641172.
In addition, please contact the designated member of staff:
Mrs R. Brailsford - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Assistant Headteacher
r.brailsford@woodlands.derby.sch.ukMr S. Roe - Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Headteachers.roe@woodlands.derby.sch.uk
Mrs J. Bailey - Safeguarding & Behaviour Improvement Officer & Deputy Safeguarding Lead
j.bailey@woodlands.derby.sch.ukMrs R.Lawmon - Attendance Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Documents and Information