PFTA - Parents, Friends and Teachers Association
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A warm welcome to the Parents, Friends and Teachers Association at Woodlands!
What is the PFTA?
Most schools have a Parent, Friends and Teachers Association (PFTA), which is an organisation of parents and staff.
Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school. PFTAs are best known for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too.
Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.
There are many different ways you can help with the PFTA, whether you have lots of time to offer or not.
As parents, you are AUTOMATICALLY members of the PFTA… your voice counts.
You are vital to the success of fundraising at our school. Schools are becoming more dependent on their PFTAs for fundraising.
It’s really flexible! There are a variety of small ways you can help and be involved – from helping out for an hour at a school event, helping us to set up or cleaning up after an event, attending meetings (we usually have cake) to help with ideas or joining our WhatsApp group. Giving up just 30 minutes of your time to help the PTFA is invaluable.
Here are some reasons that you might want to get involved:
Feeling more connected - there’s no better way to know what events are being planned or have your say. You’ll get to know teachers and support staff on a more familiar basis.
Being part of a network - every PFTA event is an opportunity to meet other parents (and eat cake!)
Make a difference - by volunteering to help the PTFA, you’ll be able to use whatever skills you have for a great cause!
We’re not just for mums! It’s important to our PFTA, our school and our students to have all parents and caregivers represented.
The PFTA run a school lottery which helps the school to raise funds - and gives you the chance to win cash prizes each week.
Tickets cost just £1 a week.
Further details of how you can get involved are found by clicking the links below:
Need more information? Please email pfta@woodlands.derby.sch.uk
Our children are only at school for a relatively short time. The equipment and resources the PFTA helps fund, makes learning even more engaging, enhances the children’s wellbeing and encourages a bigger sense of community. Help us continue to create lasting memories for our children.
If you have questions, you wish to find out more or want to join our WhatsApp group then please contact us on: pfta@woodlands.derby.sch.uk
Our ParentKind number is: 21810.
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