CORE Values and Vision
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Our Vision: Aspire & Achieve
Enabling aspiration and achievement for all students, through delivery of a knowledge-rich curriculum, underpinned by our CORE values.
CORE Values
Courage – to be brave in the face of challenge
Optimism – to look for solutions and see positives
Regard – to care for and be kind to others and yourself
Endeavour – to work hard and persevere to achieve one’s full potential
We are an inclusive secondary school in north Derby for over 1300 students aged 11-18 with
A broad and balanced curriculum in years 7-11.
A wide educational offer in years 12-13.
A great range of extra-curricular opportunities in sports, technology and the creating and performing arts.
Excellent facilities and outdoor space.
Provision for those with additional needs including an enhanced resource facility for the hearing impaired.
People who are inspired, dream big and are self-motivated to strive to achieve their best.
Across all subjects, students including those who are disadvantaged and those with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities progress in line with national averages or better.
A regularly reviewed, inspiring curriculum that is relevant to our students and society, encouraging them to expand their horizons.
Wide enriching experiences within and beyond the classroom, leading to personal growth.
A thriving Sixth Form that is integrated into the school community.
Students well equipped for their next steps after Allestree Woodlands School.
A professional learning community where staff are supported to develop continuously their expertise and skill.
A climate that encourages personal wellbeing and good mental & physical health, encouraging positive relationships with support structures including peer mentoring.
A refusal to accept discrimination and the promotion of cultural diversity, British values and the acceptance of difference.
A school community including (but not limited to) students, staff, parents, carers and alumni that celebrates success for all, where all voices are heard, fostering a sense of pride and belonging.
Aspiring to lead by example in our care for the environment and move towards being a carbon neutral school.
Broad engagement, partnership and collaboration within the school and across the community including with other schools, employers, parents and carers.
The school of choice for the families in our catchment and wider community.
Safeguarding – we are committed to safeguarding, promoting the welfare of our students and expect all our staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment.
Staff – we aim to have the best possible teaching staff, support staff, leaders, governors and volunteers to enable our students to achieve their full potential.
Relationships – a clear understanding of expectations, consistent implementation supported and maintained by all.
Wider community – engaged and supportive parents and carers with effective two-way communication.
Facilities & Financial responsibility – buildings, IT, website and subject specific facilities that enable the curriculum and wider development of our students within a balanced and controlled budget.
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