Admissions & Appeals
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Choosing a secondary school is an incredibly important process for parents and children alike.
Admissions Criteria for September 2025
Allestree Woodlands School is an Academy School (11-18) with enhanced resource facilities for hearing impaired students. It does not select on the basis of ability.
Standard Admissions Number: 240
Applications for a place at Allestree Woodlands School should be made by stating the school as a preference on the common application form available from Derby City Education Authority. This common application form must be returned to Derby City Council - not the school, by the closing date.
All parents/ carers will be notified regarding their application for a place by Derby City Council.
Where applications exceed the number of places available the following criteria are applied by the Governing Body in the order set out below to decide which students to admit:
1. In line with the 2021 School Admissions Code requires children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted to be given equal first priority in admission arrangements, alongside looked after children (LAC) and children who were previously looked after by English local authorities (PLAC).
Therefore, highest priority is given to “looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted”.
2. Children who are living in the normal area served by the school and have siblings* who will be in year 8-11 at the time of the proposed September admission. Please note that the sibling criteria is not applicable when a sibling will be in year 12/13 in the academic year of proposed admission.
3. Other children living in the normal area at the time of admission.
4. Children who do not live in the normal area served by the school but who have siblings* who will be in year 8-11 at the time of the proposed September admission. Please note that the sibling criteria is not applicable when a sibling will be in year 12/13 in the academic year of proposed admission.
5. A child with a parent/carer who is employed by Allestree Woodlands School on a permanent contract.
6. Other children whose parents have stated Allestree Woodlands School as a preference on the common application form.
7. Children whose parents stated Allestree Woodlands School as a preference on the common application form but did not return the form to Derby City Education Authority by the closing date.
Additional Notes:
In categories 2 to 5, when choices have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, children living nearest to the school, measured by a straight line between their residence and the school, have priority. In category 7, places will be allocated in the same order of priority as for categories 2 to 5. Where children in category 7 have equal priority, places will be allocated to those living nearest to the school, measured by a straight line between the home address and the school using the National Ordinance Survey Set Points.
The 2021 School Admissions Code requires children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted to be given equal first priority in admission arrangements, alongside looked after children (LAC) and children who were previously looked after by English local authorities (PLAC). This advice refers to these children as internationally adopted previously looked after children.
The Governing Body reserves the right to verify information and, if misrepresentation is confirmed, refuse or cancel the place.
Waiting List
If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available a waiting list will be established and maintained until the end of September by Derby City Council using the above criteria.
Fair Access
Local Authorities are required to have ‘Fair Access Protocols’ in order to make sure those unplaced children who live in the Local Authority, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. This includes admitting children above the published admissions number to schools that are already full.
Whilst Allestree Woodlands School, by virtue of being an Academy, are our own admission authority, we opt in to the local coordination of applications through Derby City Council’s admissions team.
If you want to apply for a place for your child to attend Allestree Woodlands, you need to make an application to Derby City Council admissions team - click here.
Applying as a parent, you have a legal right to express a preference for a school that you want your child to attend. If your preferred school has a place, then a place should be offered to your child.
If you want to apply for the intake year starting in September 2024, you can make your application from 4th September 2023 onwards. The closing date for online applications is 31st October 2023. If the closing date has passed you can still apply however any applications made after the deadline date will be classed as late and will be considered after all on-time applications.
To make an application you can:
apply online – it’s quick and easy and lets you track the progress of your application
apply by phone on 01332 642730 – this takes around 5 minutes and you will need to know the name of the school you are applying to
apply using a paper form – telephone 01332 642730 to ask us to send you one.
If you want to make an application for a school in Derby City Council’s area, you need to complete a Secondary School in-year admission form. The Council’s Admissions service are responsible for co-ordinating all applications made for secondary school places.
Alternatively, you can complete the eform – it’s quick and easy. If you want to apply using a paper form, you can telephone 01332 642729 to ask us to send you one.
Derby City Council will send you our decision which will be one of these three outcomes:
School place is offered where your child meets the criteria for a place at the first preferred school.
School place is offered where your child meets the criteria for a place at the second or subsequent highest ranked preferred school.
Where it is not possible to offer you the highest ranked school, your child will be added to that school’s waiting list and you are informed of how to appeal to the Independent Appeal Panel if you wish.
You can also track your application process online
To find out more about Derby City Council primary school admissions please click here.
If you are refused a place for your child, for whatever reason given, you have the right to appeal this decision. An independent panel will review your application and make a final, legally binding, decision on the matter.
Appeals information and forms can be requested directly from the school
Secondary transfer appeals (year 7)
National offer day is 3rd March 2025.
Deadline for lodging appeals is 31st March 2025.
Appeal hearings are scheduled throughout May/June - it is often the case that stage one of the appeal process is a joint hearing with all appellants present followed by private stage two sessions.
Appeals submitted after the deadline date will be heard after those who appealed by the deadline.
In-year admission appeals
For in-year admissions into any academic year group, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of being received by the appeals office.
Your appeal form and any additional information will be passed to the Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel who will then contact you with further information about the appeal. Appeals do not have to be heard in-person. Appeals have been heard using an audio or video conference call. This method means that all that parents/carers require to attend the appeal is access to a phone.
Please note: Should your address change during the application and appeals process it is your responsibility to inform Derby City Secondary Admissions ASAP so that the waiting list is accurate and up-to-date. You can only make an appeal application if you have already applied for a place through Derby City Secondary Admissions and received a letter from them stating that your application was declined.
Please contact the school office if we can be of further assistance with the appeal process.
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