Professional Learning Community

Great Teaching and Learning

‘7 Principles of Great Teaching and Learning’

Our ‘7 Principles of Great Teaching and Learning’ are underpinned by research and have been created to develop teachers’ knowledge and understanding of excellent practice. These principles are not designed to produce a ‘tick box’ of expectations for every single lesson or a criteria for what one good lesson should look like. These principles underpin our professional learning opportunities so they can become deliberately embedded into our practice and are designed to be developmental.

At AWS, we hold the view that there is no ceiling on professional learning; that it is continuous; that there is always something new to learn, trial and refine. We encourage our teachers to try new strategies and share their experiences through professional collaboration and conversations and provide the time for the exploration of research, strategy and discussion weekly through ‘Research Wednesdays’ (you can learn more about this by following the ‘research’ hyperlink on our web page). Our INSET time and faculty meetings are also dedicated to developing and refining our current practice so we can continuously reflect and improve on the quality of education we provide our students. Scroll down/follow the links* (change where appropriate) for more information about each of our principles.


Click the Principles below to find out more…